F02 色彩 colors

心が震えるシンメトリー「ペルシャ芸術」至宝の天井装飾が想像を遥かに超えて心が壊れそう:DDN JAPAN
nasir ol-molk mosque, shiraz, iran built from 1876-1888. photo by hanif shaoei.
Indiana Jones's Go-to Pants: The Complete Guide to Khakis
Tonos de color caqui Pantalones - colores de tela de algodón
Sidewalk Temple by Thomas Kaye / 500px
Buddha temple, Bangkok, Thailand Is the the Temple of the Dawn? It looks like it might be.B
36 Excellent Examples Of Digital Wildlife Photography – Bashooka
Kindle Fire HDX 7", HDX Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB - Includes Special Offers (Previous Generation - 3rd)
India. Photo taken by Sudip Roychoudhury
Gustav Klimt
Klimt - colour inspiration for Latch Farm Studios http://www.facebook.com/LatchFarmStudios www.latchfarmstudios.co.uk #yellow