
19 Pins
ゴムハンの作り方 その①
猫の消しゴムはんこ。みつめるさきは・花の陰から。 - 消しゴムはんこソラスタンプ
f: id: sorastamp: 20150916233011j: image
Aaaand one more. very quick and simple due to christmas preparation. #carvedecember day 23 #regnitzflimmern #allstampshandcarved
Spring Flower Rubber Stamp, Botanical Plant Stamp, Hand Carved Stamp by Talktothesun - Etsy UK
flower stamp woodland garden stamp diy spring craft | Etsy
紫陽花とネモフィラの 多色押し 消しゴムはんこ カード付き
Flower Stamp - bf-ako
直線を彫るのが一番緊張する。かも。 #消しゴムはんこ#eraserstamp#ハンドメイド#スタンプ#レタリング#手書き#手彫り#handmade#stamp#lettering
Linocut Artist - Andrea Lauren - Printmaker and Surface Pattern Designer
Andrea Lauren rainbow roll birds
Home Diy
Instagram photo by @mamalaterre via ink361.com
Making an Impression: Designing & Creating Artful Stamps
Making an Impression: Designing & Creating Artful Stamps: Amazon.de: Geninne D. Zlatkis: Englische Bücher
Apu手工章 别致唯美眠狐印章 apus-box|印章/印台人氣榜 - Pinkoi
Such a cute little Fox stamp!
So along with showing you some new stamps I made today, I also really wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who follows me. I…