
261 Pins
....tu sei .... la mia Luna ... una luce nella notte. ... e le nuvole si aprono. .. rasserenando il mio cuore e allontanando la tristezza dalla mia vita. ... d.romans
お前らがグッと来た画像を貼るスレ『臼と米俵を腹の上に置いてみた』 : 哲学ニュースnwk
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Fire Rainbows – the rarest of all naturally occurring atmospheric phenomena. The clouds needed for these rare events have to be cirrus and at least 20,000 feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals. The sun also has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.
高桐院 | 京都写真 -Kyoto Photos.com- - Part 2
Access Denied | Frans Lanting Studio
Kicker Rock at sunrise, Galapagos Islands by Frans Lanting I've been there!!! There are no words to describe this place...
Wolf Moon by Wessonnative on DeviantArt
Wolf Moon by Wessonnative
Reflecting by Mattia Oliviero / 500px
Reflecting #mist sky fog lake reflections mountains water sun clouds waves alps garda appenines
夏の風物詩!見ているだけで涼しい日本全国の''風鈴イベント'' 10選 | RETRIP[リトリップ]
夏の風物詩!見ているだけで涼しい日本全国の''風鈴イベント''8選 | RETRIP[リトリップ]
サービス終了のお知らせ | ギャザリー