♡菖蒲 … Iris …

菖蒲 (アヤメ) iris (アイリス) 花菖蒲やカキツバタ(杜若 rabbit-ear iris)なども含めたアヤメ科の花を指します。語源はギリシャ語の”虹”を表す語で、 iridescent というと”虹色の”という意味の形容詞。
281 Pins
Iris barbudos altos en Iris Mart: barbudo y reblooming Lirios Fantastic Garden
6 Popular Medalists...at Schreiner's Iris Gardens
Nature Art for Sale - Fine Art America
Purple Orchid's sensuality cannot be understated. Orchids are by far one of the most emotionally appealing flowers. The colors are bright and pure and the fragrance is exquisite.
Tall Bearded Iris Flowers | ... night dress tall bearded iris repinned from flowers by lucille otto