Animals /動物たち

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Les bols de Geraldine De Beco - Journal du Design
Porcelain bowls designed by Geraldine de Beco for Bernardaud in France. When the bowls are filled with a liquid, the image of an animal is formed (cat, dove, wolf). These are bowls, but I would love a mug like this!
23 Signs Your Pet Is Actually Your First-Born Child
こ、怖くなんかないからねっ! N. N. N... Not afraid!
Hen taking care of kittens during storm.
Hen taking care of kittens during storm. - Album on Imgur
Harvest Mouse on sunflower
"Oh boy! You should see the view from here," exclaimed Squeaky.
思わず吹いたスレ・画像・AA・HP・FLASH等『アメリカ人が撮影した1908年の日本の写真・小銭常備』 : 哲学ニュースnwk
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