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Mugs that can be propped up on their handles for easy drying.
Mugs that can be propped up on their handles for easy drying. Awesome And Inexpensive Things You Need For Your Kitchen
Beoplay H9i: The All Innovative Product from Bang & Olufsen Signature Sound
97 Best Innovative Product Designs You Should Know
Brilliant Design for a Travel Hanger - Core77
Whenever I need to travel with a clothes hanger, I use this awful plastic thing: Beyond the fact that it's flat and that the hook folds down, there really isn't much design effort making this a travel-friendly item. With its broad outline it's awkward to pack, and I'm always worried
Comfier Scissors for Carpal Tunnel - Yanko Design
Adapted for those inflicted by carpal tunnel syndrome, this research-driven scissors design offers an entirely new way of gripping. Because concentrated movements can exacerbate the problem, the handle section of these scissors strays away from the traditional method of opening and closing solely with the fingers. Instead, the ergonomic handles are shaped so the user grabs it with their whole hand, distributing pressure to the thenar muscle and alleviating stress.
All-Weather Texting - Yanko Design
As a rainy city resident, this seems like a really bad idea when it’s already difficult enough playing umbrella wars down the sidewalk! #Umbrella #Design #yankoDesign
Appleが影響を受けたブラウン社のプロダクト15 : ギズモード・ジャパン
Appleが影響を受けたブラウン社のプロダクト15 : ギズモード・ジャパン
素敵なデザイン!ありそうでなかった、斜め開き三角のノート★The Triangle Notebook by Tan Mavitan ( )