Animals 動物

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【画像・動画】 米コロラド州、保安官がフクロウの赤ちゃんを発見! : 痛いニュース(ノ∀`)
The friendly August by Stefan Rosengarten / 500px
The friendly August by Stefan Rosengarten
Giant Shield Bug Nymph (Eusthenes sp., Tessaratomidae)
Giant Shield Bug Nymph (Eusthenes femoralis, Tessaratomidae) Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Their nymphal forms too are often very colorful also and usually bear little resemblance to the adult.
Spreeuw / Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) by Serge
Spreeuw / Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) by Serge Sanramat #Bird #Starling
One of the oddest treehoppers, Sphongophorus (Cladonota) ballista, from Panama
Armadillo Lizard, it has been reported. Clearly not an armadillo.... but pretty cool anyway