
11 Pins
Mike Lyndon on X
Mike Lyndon en Twitter: "Thanks to @klemen_lozar and his bite size sharing I finally had my Aha! moment with sphere masks last week. I often find myself wanting to fade out a noise texture using a ramp or mask. #ue4 #gamedev #realtimevfx… https://t.co/H7VY1ohVqt"
【セミナー】エフェクトアーティストは「映像の化粧師」…『クロスサマナー』の奥義を彩るポケラボ池田氏が登壇した「エフェクトデザイン論」を取材 | gamebiz
【セミナー】エフェクトアーティストは「映像の化粧師」…『クロスサマナー』の奥義を彩るポケラボ池田氏が登壇した「エフェクトデザイン論」を取材 | Social Game Info
Mike Lyndon on X
Mike Lyndon en Twitter: "Thanks to @klemen_lozar and his bite size sharing I finally had my Aha! moment with sphere masks last week. I often find myself wanting to fade out a noise texture using a ramp or mask. #ue4 #gamedev #realtimevfx… https://t.co/H7VY1ohVqt"
Matias Mahler on X
GAKU MORIYA on Twitter
GAKU MORIYA on Twitter: "「雷テクスチャのつくり方」のご紹介です🐣 How to make thunder texture in AfterEffects. #aftereffects #3DCG #realtimeVFX #エフェクト #VFX https://t.co/6unJT8X43O" / Twitter