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Lifted Mazda CX30 With Subtle Mods And A/T Off-road Wheels
エンケイ RPF-1 カスタムホイールとファルケン A/T トレイル オフロード タイヤ。
Mazda CX-30 reliable? Quality and Reliability 80.0/100 The 2023 Mazda CX-30 has a predicted reliability score of 80 out of 100. A J.D. Power predicted reliability score of 91-100 is considered the Best, 81-90 is Great, 70-80 is Average and 0-69 is Fair and considered below average. Mazda CX-30 last? between 200,000 and 250,000 miles A Mazda vehicle can last a long time. Mazda vehicles are known for lasting over a decade and between 200,000 and 250,000 miles, with some going even longer than that. The key to a long-lasting Mazda vehicle is to keep it running with proper maintenance and regular service. Are Mazda CX-30 expensive to repair? A Mazda CX-30 will cost about $7,249 for maintenance and repairs during its first 10 years of service. This beats the industry average for popular SUV mo