
108 Pins
White Zentsu Fukuro Obi, Vermilion Flowers / 白地 鮮やか朱系の枝垂れ花柄 化繊全通袋帯 【リサイクル着物・アンティーク着物・帯の専門店 あい山本屋】#Kimono #Japan
着物 No:869 商品名:クリーム 古典大市松 (I like kimono fabric. So if you want to do that tribal pattern with mini sakura flowers thats cool)
The Kimono Gallery
taishou-kun: Masani houseki まさに宝石 (just jewelry) - Japan - May 2015 Source : Aru Ni~Tsu no ichi koma ある日の一コマ
Teresa J Sexton
"Hagyd, hogy jöjjön, ami jön, menjen, ami megy és figyeld meg azt, ami marad!"
Non-Western Historical Fashion
The jūnihitoe (十二単衣) is an extremely elegant and highly complex kimono that was only worn by court-ladies in Heian Era Japan. Literally translated, it means “twelve-layer robe". More here: http://murasaki-ochaya.tumblr.com/post/48013274667/junihitoe-appreciation-post
Jyuuni-hitoe (十二単). heian-era noblewoman's costume.
Just a moment...
A close up of the layers of junihitoe at the sleeve.