
41 Pins
朧月象ヲ也 Oboro Tsukiyou o Nari
大威徳明王 Daiitoku myōō statue, 1251~1299, Japan
特注の仏像販売・仏像彫刻の専門店の仏像彫刻原田 » 菩薩像
Nio Protectors of Japan - Japanese Buddhism Photo Dictionary
Agyō at Sanjūsangendō 三十三間堂, Kyoto 12th Century,
向源寺 - Wikipedia
十一面観音(渡岸寺)暴悪大笑面 Guanyin [ Dougan-ji ] 9th century
Welcome to celia basto | 100% art
Eleven-Headed Kannon Ekadashamukha) : Nanbokuchô period 1336–1392 The eleven-headed form of the bodhisattva Kannon was one of the first deities of Esoteric Buddhism to be worshiped in Japan. Ten of his heads are in the form of bodhisattvas. The eleventh, the topmost, is that of Amida (Sanskrit: Amitâbha), the Buddha of which Kannon is considered an emanation. The eleven heads symbolize Kannon's ability to see suffering in all corners of the universe and respond with compassion to those in need.
乐浪公的相册-日本 佛造像
Bodhisattva - Japan
東寺の大威徳明王騎像 - まほろば自然博物館(特別室)
大威徳明王(東寺) 梵名ヤマーンタカ यमान्तक 五大明王
Large Bronze Tibetan Hayagriva Sculpture
Large Bronze Tibetan Hayagriva Sculpture
Hevajra et Nairâtmya
Hevajra et NairâtmyaTibet XVIe siècle Bronze doré incrusté d’argent H : 29,7 cm PARIS. MUSEE GUIMET
鳥獣に乗る菩薩と13歳の願い - 日本経済新聞
金井杜道フォトギャラリー | 文化財 | 法相宗大本山 興福寺
国宝 乾闥婆像 734年 撮影:金井杜道 (c)興福寺