
93 Pins
ストレスフルな社会から脱出するためのスモールハウス。現代の方舟「Ark Shelter」
ここはベルギーの代表的な観光都市、ブルージュの郊外。この場所を訪れる人は皆、シンプルで洗練された、直方体の建物が印象に残るはずだ。いや、これは建物というより……箱? 箱に見えるのもそのはず、この建物の
Life in a Box: the Summer House of Architect Buster Delin in Sweden | Yatzer
Architect Buster Delin’s self-designed, ultra-modern cottage is a distillation of childhood holidays on the family estate of Lundnäs. Photo by Patric Johansson, Styling by Myrica Bergqvist, Courtesy of My Residence Magazine and Aller Media.
I don't like truth, ...EASTERN design office
I don't like truth, ...EASTERN design office - share the experience
Bonneville - Maisons usinées, Multilogements et plus - 60 ans d'innovation
Les Maisons Bonneville - Maisons usinées
お値段20万円!貨物コンテナを改装して作ったエコハウスが素敵すぎる - IRORIO(イロリオ)
お値段20万円!貨物コンテナを改装して作ったエコハウスが素敵すぎる - IRORIO(イロリオ)
Have a look around this coffee shop and showroom built with shipping containers
Have a look around this coffee shop and showroom built with shipping containers
Top 100 Business Ideas in April
April 2016 Business - These April 2016 business ideas range from fresh supermarket makeovers to virtual debit card apps that make on-the-go transactions more seamless th...