
417 Pins
svet vmes renovates poljane grammar school entrance hall in slovenia
svet vmes renovates poljane grammar school entrance hall in slovenia
Student Projects - Archive - Professor Adam Caruso - ETH Zürich
ETH Zürich - Prof. A. Caruso :: Archive :: Student Projects
Any way you look at it, this Bangkok hotel is a real stunner...
A Glimpse of Heaven
PureEdge Lighting - TruLine 1.6a, 24VDC Plaster-In LED System
Pure Lighting - TruLine 1.6a, 24VDC Plaster-In LED System TruLine 1.6A creates a clean line of glare-free general illumination within 5/8" drywall. The 24VDC linear LED system features a shallow, 5/8" deep plaster-in aluminum extrusion no thicker than drywall that houses two rows of high CRI, commercial grade white or RGB LED Soft Strip. Its 1.6" wide diffuser lens projects a clean line of light without LED dots.
Rei Kawakubo: An In-Between Life — The Rikumo Journal
Rei Kawakubo: An In-Between Life — rikumo journal