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Stay green with this repurposed denim handbag of 100% recycled denim! With a patch pocket under the flap for easy-to-access items and a magnetic closure. The bag itself measures 24 cm high by 30 cm wide by 8 cm deep. Its quite roomy and will hold notepads, bottles of water, phone, wallet
belOga Sewing Machine
belOga Sewing Machine The functions are performed on a circular touch-screen that allows you to see what the stitch will look like in advance. You can even see inside the sewing machine through two little lenses on the side of the body. The sleek belOga sewing machine was designed by Kristine Brückner, an industrial design graduate from the Munich's University of Applied Sciences. -
The Sewing Machine Reinvented Cobretti Blog
The Sewing Machine Reinvented
Visible sound sewing machine by Sounds Butter
株式会社サムライファクトリー * Samurai Factory Inc.
Necchi - Logica 591 G. Giugiaro 1982
Workers Club Shirt by Garbstore at Gilt
DJ8: awesome pocket details for mens shirts. The squared shaped pockets frame the build and makes the shirt look overall boxier. There are more details on this shirt if you look closely at the buttons and hidden pocket. Only concern would be bulk depending on what you use the pockets for.
編み物の途中で毛糸が終わった時の1番綺麗な始末 と 覚えておくと便利な「はた結び」 | KNITLABO BLOG
はた結びとは!? プロも使用する覚えておくと便利な糸のつなぎ方
かんたんなのにしっかり丈夫!たためるエコバッグの作り方 | nunocoto
かんたんなのにしっかり丈夫!たためるエコバッグの作り方 | nunocoto
オーバーオールのリメイクアイデア28選!バックやエプロンをDIYしよう | WEBOO[ウィーブー] 暮らしをつくる
今回はスナップボタンの付け方について紹介したいと思います。 スナップボタンって付けてしまえばとっても便利だけど…