
20 Pins
an old statue with a bird on it's head
九州国立博物館 | 展示案内
国宝 迦楼羅(かるら)立像 脱活乾漆造(だっかつかんしつづくり)、彩色 奈良時代 天平6年(734) 奈良・興福寺蔵
a buddha statue sitting in front of a black background
運慶作・重文 地蔵菩薩坐像(六波羅蜜寺) 【京都・六波羅蜜寺/地蔵菩薩坐像(鎌倉)】運慶作説がある像。像高89cm。眼を嵌入した理知的で生々しい面貌表現や充実した体躯の肉取り深く流動的に走る自在な衣文などが特徴。X線撮影で像内に塔婆形の木柱が納入されていることが確認された。
a statue of a person sitting on top of a wooden animal with a halo around its head
雲中供養菩薩像, 北15号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva
a statue of a person sitting on top of a wooden animal with a circle around it's neck
雲中供養菩薩像、南5号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html
a statue of a man sitting on top of a bird
秋晴れの一日、「北斎展」と国宝展」見学 | 折々の記
雲中供養菩薩像 北14号
the statue is sitting on top of an animal's tail and has a halo around its head
雲中供養菩薩像, 北16号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva
a statue of a person sitting on top of a piece of wood with a circular object in the middle
平等院雲中供養菩薩の奏でる琴が一弦琴のように見えたが・・・ - 日々是好日
雲中供養菩薩像, 北20号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva
the statue is holding a staff and wearing a crown
雲中供養菩薩像、北22号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html
the statue is holding a long metal pole
雲中供養菩薩像、北23号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html
a statue of a person sitting on top of a wooden animal with a bowl in his hand
雲中供養菩薩像, 南4号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html
an old statue with a man holding a fish
雲中供養菩薩像, 北9号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html
a statue of a man sitting on top of a wooden animal with a circle around his neck
雲中供養菩薩像、北11号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva
a statue of a person sitting on top of a cloud
雲中供養菩薩像、南11号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva
the statue is holding a snake in it's hand
雲中供養菩薩像, 南20号像/Unchu Kuyo Bodhisattva http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Byodoin/Byodoin.html