
12 Pins
Be a warrior of truth and righteousness. Do not hold yourself in high regard, but hold yourself in regard to others. Stand firm in your resolve. Fear nothing.
コニシロク タンブラー
musashi-no-kami: Inoue Takehiko Miyamoto Musashi
独自の荒廃した都市を描くイラストレーター東京幻想。 見慣れた街の風景がまるで核戦争でもあったかのように廃墟化した様は、なぜか幻想的で郷愁さえおぼえる不思議な作風です。...
画像 : 【海外】"絵の中の美人"が可愛い!! デッサンで創作された美女特集…[画像集][二次元] - NAVER まとめ
andre kohn | Umbrella art, Art painting, Love art
Artist: Andre Kohn (My note: The paint technique itself, as opposed to simply painting the "rain", makes it appear as though there's a gusty storm. I thought this was a still from film where the lens had gotten seriously wet-over! Genius.):