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1 in 5 People Unknowingly Have Fatty Liver Disease, Here Are The 10 Natural Remedies You NEED To Know
Toxins are continually bombarding us on a daily basis. They are in the air we breathe and the types of food we eat. Unfortunately, it is our beloved liver’s job to deal with the problem. Here are some natural and safe remedies you can try at home to ensure proper function of the liver, and in return a happy, and long life. #life #healthyrecipes #remedies #disease
5 Simple Exercises For Perfect Buttocks, Thighs, and Legs
Oh the daily struggles of fitting into our denim jeans! But rather than hating our thighs and butts, let's start using these fantastic at home- thigh and butt-sculpting exercise workouts to help strengthen our bodies, burn fat fast, and give us a nicely toned shape. Try these 5 simple exercises, and you will be well on your way to a killer butt & legs! #exercise #fitness #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #legday
Welcome to The Hearty Soul
There are plenty of ways to approach being healthy, from eating right to exercising to reducing stress, there’s no one way that is better than the other and they all compliment each other. These three approaches also affect skin health and we should strive to practice them, but we’re always looking for that extra edge to give our bodies what they need to thrive. #skincare #supplements #health #beauty
10 Bug Bites Anyone Should Be Able to Identify
Bug bites can be itchy and frustrating, some can even be dangerous! Here’s how you can know quickly identify and treat your insect bites so you can go back to enjoying summer. #ticks #lyme
Studies Confirm - People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days a Week
Work is a major stressor for many people- impacting mental and physical health as well as personal and intimate relationships. Recent studies are showing that if you’re over the age of 40, then ideally you shouldn’t be working more than 3 days per week. #stress #work #productivity
8 Ways to Make No Insect Raid Into Your Home Ever Again
Summer is here! That means warm weather and unfortunately house bugs. No one wants to see creepy crawlers running about in their home or have to use harsh chemical pesticides to get rid of them. If you're looking for an all natural insect repellent here are 8 DIY homemade remedies that actually work to get rid of common household bugs! #homemade #diy #essentialoils #home #bugsbegone
Welcome to The Hearty Soul
When you perform a cleanse, or as I like to call it a ‘cleanup’ of the body, you are naturally supporting your detoxification pathways. Cleanses work by taking the stress away from your digestive system. #detox #cleanse #stress
11 Warning Signs That Your Heart Doesn’t Work Properly
With all of the media reports about diseases like cancer and dementia, you may think that those conditions are the leading cause of death in America. But that’s not the case. In fact, the condition responsible for claiming the most lives—not just in the U.S., but around the world—is actually cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)- so look after your heart health! #heart #cardio #healthy
BEWARE: These drinks ‘may trigger dangerous condition in people with heart disease’
Many people are quicker to recognize a toxic friendship or romantic relationship than a toxic family relationship. But even in the case of close relatives, sometimes keeping your distance can be in everybody’s best interest. Here are the signs you have a toxic relationship with your parent. #relationships #parenting #parents
Welcome to The Hearty Soul
You often hear people say, “There’s nothing like my mom’s cooking.” This pineapple salsa recipe can relate. It is great for providing you with some of the essential nutrients your body needs while satisfying your taste buds- the perfect summer recipe. #salsa #summer #recipe
Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe
Not only are avocados incredibly yummy, they also contain plenty of good fats and nutrients that your body will thank you for! #avocados #healthy #fats
6 Ways To Begin A 50-Pound Weight Loss Journey
Short, intense workouts are all the rage in the fitness world. While it was once believed that the longer you stayed on the treadmill or elliptical machine, the better, it’s now known that you can seriously maximize your fitness results and weight loss while working out for a fraction of the time through a method called High Intensity Interval Training (abreviated as HIIT). #fitness #HIIT
A 4-Minute Workout That Works As Well As 1 Hour In The Gym
Tabata workouts are emerging as a more convenient and rewarding way to get your sweat on. These workouts only take 4 minutes of your time but improve your fitness and energy levels significantly more than a 60-minute workout. Tabata is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which means your hardest for a short period of time. Great for weight loss and overall health. #fitness #tabata #HIIT