Mark Strong

Mark Strong (born Marco Giuseppe Salussolia : August 5, 1963) #Mark Strong
352 Pins
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) #KingsmanTheGoldenCircle
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019) Directed by #DavidFSandberg Starring #ZacharyLevi #MarkStrong #AsherAngel #JackDylanGrazer #DjimonHounsou #Shazam #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #screen #screenplay
Sherlock Holmes (2009) Directed by #GuyRitchie Based on #SherlockHolmesandDrWatson ArthurConanDoyle Starring #RobertDowneyJr #JudeLaw #RachelMcAdams #MarkStrong #EddieMarsan #SherlockHolmes #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #screen
1917 (2019)
1917 (2019) Directed, Produced and Written by #SamMendes Starring #GeorgeMacKay #DeanCharlesChapman #MarkStrong #AndrewScott #RichardMadden #ClaireDuburcq #ColinFirth #BenedictCumberbatch #MichaelJibson #1917 #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #cinematic #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker
The Young Victoria (2009)
The Young Victoria (2009) Directed by #JeanMarcVallee Starring #EmilyBlunt #RupertFriend #PaulBettany #MirandaRichardson #JimBroadbent #ThomasKretschmann #MarkStrong #JesperChristensen #HarrietWalter #TheYoungVictoria #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
Before I Go to Sleep (2014) Directed & Written by #RowanJoffe Produced by #RidleyScott Based on #BeforeIGotoSleep by #SJWatson Starring #NicoleKidman #MarkStrong #ColinFirth #AnneMarieDuff #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker
映画 バビロンA.D. Babylon A.D. (2008) | That's Movie Talk!
Babylon A.D. (2008) Directed & Screenplay by #MathieuKassovitz Based on #BabylonBabies by #MauriceGDantec Starring #VinDiesel #MichelleYeoh #MelanieThierry #LambertWilson #MarkStrong #BabylonAD #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography
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映画 ロックンローラ RocknRolla (2008) | That's Movie Talk!
RocknRolla (2008) Directed, Produced & Written by #GuyRitchie Starring #GerardButler #TomWilkinson #ThandieNewton #MarkStrong #IdrisElba #TomHardy #TobyKebbell #JeremyPiven #Ludacris #RocknRolla
映画 キック・アス Kick-Ass (2010) | That's Movie Talk!
Kick-Ass (2010) Directed, Produced & Screenplay by #MatthewVaughn Starring #AaronJohnson #ChristopherMintzPlasse #MarkStrong #ChloeGraceMoretz #NicolasCage #KickAss #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen
ワールド・オブ・ライズ Body of Lies (2008)
Body of Lies (2008) Directed & Produced by #RidleyScott Starring #LeonardoDiCaprio #RussellCrowe #MarkStrong #GolshiftehFarahani #OscarIsaac #SimonMcBurney #BodyofLies #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen
映画 ウェイバック The Way Back (2010) | That's Movie Talk!
映画 ウェイバック The Way Back (2010) | That's Movie Talk!