
79 Pins
Motueka Steiner School
Tehehe, I used to make little things from nuts and leaves all the time as a kid! Best memories.... {Setting sail}
Fairy Fishpond
Today I made a new fairyland scene, now we have a sprite fishing in a tiny fishpond in our kitchen windowsill. Our son was so happy to...
Journal des Champs - Agriculture Durable, Écologie et vie Rurale
Poupées Waldorf, pédagogie Steiner - Journal des champs le blog d\'Isabelle
Waldorf season table in january, at a steiner kindergarten
H014 Okke, Nootje en Doppejan - Elfenwereld
H014 Okke, Nootje en Doppejan
Op onze jaartafel...
Poppenatelier Severine: Op onze jaartafel...
Poppenatelier Barbara
Seizoentafel herfst kabouters