
496 Pins
小调练习, DannyLaiLai
J.C. Leyendecker - Three Wise Men (1900)
Three Wisemen: J C Lyendecker Also called the 3 magi or the three kings. They follow the star to find the baby Jesus at King Herod's orders. They bring the messiah gold, frankinscents and myrrh. There names are Gaspar, Balthazar and Melchior.
DwellさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Today, we’re sharing exclusive photos of this home that you won’t see anywhere else. Check out Carlton’s art studio. #art #studio #interior…」
Яндекс.Почта — бесплатная и надежная электронная почта
Письмо «Мы нашли новые пины для вашей доски «Красиво сложено».» — Pinterest — Яндекс.Почта
Another view of a great jewelers bench. The potted plants need to go.
インスピレーション溢れる世界の仕事場から: joeyfivecents
インスピレーション溢れる世界の仕事場から: joeyfivecents
あなたのために建てる家 目黒R邸/HOUSETRAD Vol.10 | toolbox
Casey Neistat YouTube Nike Filmmaker
“With the ubiquity of moving images on YouTube and the Internet, the younger generation is becoming immune to the qualitative differences in what they're seeing. They don't care if what they’re looking at was shot on 35 millimeter, 70 millimeter, a point-and-shoot, or something in between...” —Casey Neistat