
233 Pins
BBXのミッションは「あなたの笑顔」 Smile, happiness is our mission. #BBXforsmile #BBX #Diet…
Auf gibt es noch mehr tolle Gesichter, Portraits und Inspiration! Schau vorbei!
Stephanie by Portraits By Miguel Abarca / 500px
Photographer: Miguel Abarca Model: Stephanie Smith/ IMM Another portrait of Stephanie, I love her smile in this pic, it was so real and spontaneous. Happy new year to all!
32 Images of Autumn Style Inspiration :: This Is Glamorous (TIG)
portrait, black and white, smile, laugh, photography, girl,
Just beautiful
es increíble esta foto de #ChavelaVargas y #FridaKahlo! No sabemos quién fue su autor, lamentablemente (1937, apróx)