
49 Pins
The Magical World of Aquascaping/Living Terrariums (WITH PICTURES!), page 1
The Magical World of Aquascaping/Living Terrariums (WITH PICTURES!), page 1
Consulta esta foto de Instagram de @okeanosgroup • 1,724 Me gusta
#189: 225L Aquatic Garden “Iwagumi”
2012 AGA Aquascaping Contest - Entry #189
Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2012 XL compilation
Aquascaping - The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2012 XL compilation
Flickriver: Searching for photos matching 'mbuna'
There's so many reasons why I don't like this. It's just a featureless pile of small grey pebbles. Rather than feel I want to enjoy this tank instead I just want to redo it. Where's the imagination?
#361: 68L Biotope Aquascape “LAGO GRANDE”
simple and nice layout, but not easy to maintain 2012 AGA Aquascaping Contest - Entry #361
Houston Plant Fest (2009)
Roots and angelfish
Akwarium-dekoracyjne.pl - Akwarystyka Naturalna - Hardscape akwarium w stylu Iwagumi . Niestety z braku czasu nie trafiło na żaden konkurs Projekt oparty na produktach firmy ELOS Hardscape aquarium-style iwagumi. Unfortunately, for lack of time has not been sent to any competition The project is based on products ELOS wkrótce więcej na mojej stronie www.akwarium-dekoracyjne.pl soon more on my website www.akwarium-dekoracyjne.pl | Facebook
Hardscape aquarium-style iwagumi by Akwarium dekoracyjne.pl. The project is based on products ELOS. Pin by Aqua Poolkoh