
252 Pins
Design of the Landscape of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center Project, China by AEDA of China Northwestern Architectural Design Institutes Company.Ltd
Design of the Landscape of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center Project, China by AEDA of China Northwestern Architectural Design Institutes Company.Ltd - 谷德设计网
Design of the Landscape of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center Project, China by AEDA of China Northwestern Architectural Design Institutes Company.Ltd
Design of the Landscape of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center Project, China by AEDA of China Northwestern Architectural Design Institutes Company.Ltd - 谷德设计网
从车桥厂到街区花园,合肥·天璞 / 广亩景观
从车桥厂到街区花园,合肥·天璞 / 广亩景观
从车桥厂到街区花园,合肥·天璞 / 广亩景观
成都 新希望旭辉 锦官天樾 景观设计 / 山水比德
成都 新希望旭辉 锦官天樾 景观设计 / 山水比德 | 特来设计
Engaging academic space - Michigan State University
The final design suggests a boardwalk, using plank pavers through a riparian area which includes rain gardens and infiltration basins. The intent was to evoke movement through the space, while embracing the relationship to the Grand River which is only a block away, and providing areas of respite for downtown visitors and employees. To achieve the desired paving pattern, three colors of 6” x 24” Promenade Plank Paver were used: Winter Marvel, French Grey and Midnight Sky in the Umbriano® finish.
グラデーションモザイクパターンの駐車場~新築外構工事~ - 仙台・宮城で外構工事・エクステリアとガーデンをこよなく愛するおしゃれなデザインオフィス|株式会社ジーランド