
136 Pins
Cours de perspective: cercle ou ellipse
Dessin, illustration, strip, ...: Cours de perspective: cercle ou ellipse
Cours de perspective: la division des espaces en parts égales
Dessin, illustration, strip, ...: Cours de perspective: la division des espaces en parts égales
『スペース☆ダンディー』のロマン・トマ氏による「パースの描き方」がとてもシンプルで分かりやすいと好評! - Togetterまとめ
How to THINK when you draw GOLD - my 200TH tutorial for #LEARNUARY day ONE!
The Etherington Brothers: How to THINK when you draw GOLD - my 200TH tutorial for #LEARNUARY day ONE!
How to draw FEET, SHOES and BOOTS tutorial by EtheringtonBrothers on DeviantArt
Today's tutorial was requested by Ryan Dunlavey on Twitter, who asked for a tutorial on HORSES. Since that's a pretty big subject, I'm splitting it up, dealing with the heads here, and the other bi...