cate blanchett

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"Well, I’ve never looked upon myself as being a beauty, per se." - Cate Blanchett. °
Cate Blanchett. They say I'm a younger version of 'Galadriel'.. Maybe the nose? She makes me confident that bigger noses and high cheekbones are not as horrible as people with perfect features like to make us think. Long live the hyper cheeked schnozes!
Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth. Costumes by Alexandra Byrne Could translate amazingly to a wedding gown...
Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn -The Aviator
Famous INFJs
Cate Blanchett: Blanchett: "[When my father died I saw] it from other people's perspective. I could see that my sister was so young, and I felt it was tragic that she might not remember him. I could see how it affected my brother [and] I saw what a struggle it was for my mother. I [thought] about my father and how sad it was that he never had grandchildren." [On Hollywood:] Blanchett: "I don't exist in that world. I observe it."