22 Pins
‘Mindworks: The Science of Thinking’ Exhibits Behavioral Science & the Study Of Decision Making – PRINT Magazine
‘Mindworks: The Science of Thinking’ Exhibits Behavioral Science & the Study Of Decision Making
#Repost @gray_magazine • • • #DesignDispatch from GRAY contributing editor @renske_werner from @vandesignwk: "@theaviary_ca took part in the open studio today, and this interactive installation is based on the ‘Impact’ theme. Visitors could take a piece of yarn and trace their own ‘design’ by wrapping it around he pegs with the words that describes their life best." GRAY was proud to be a media sponsor of #VDW2018! . #graymagazine #graymag #Vancouver #vancouverdesign #theaviary #designyourlife
‘Exploring Sustainability’ mixes science and art - The Daily Utah Chronicle
‘Exploring Sustainability’ mixes science and art | The Daily Utah Chronicle