
89 Pins
Believe...the Light will find Its way through...Don't worry...Be happy...Believe !...
DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
Born in Night by *m-chloe on deviantART
神々しい画像ください : ブログ太郎
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia - Was here in Spring 2001. Can't believe it was so long ago. WILL take my kids and husband here someday. It is an amazing sight to behold. Driving on what looked like the sky. Standing on the tips of reflected mountains. Flamingos in a freezing cold place. A hotel made of salt. Salt piles for miles. Standing in 3 countries at once. Being there with my best friend.
東京都内から2時間で行ける桃源郷!日本三大清流、柿田川湧水群 - NAVER まとめ