
76 Pins
&w[and w] | 朝日新聞デジタルマガジン&[and]
Higuchi Yuko, Art, Graphic, Design, Illustration, ヒグチユウコ
Cat in a Tree - Bug Art greeting card - What more to say other than we just LOVE cool stuff!
#catsofinstagram #cats #love #kit #aura #happy #cannabis #rainbows #sacredgeometry #3dprinting #aura #5d #oregon #trees #marijuana #peaceofmind #encourage #lovelaughsmoke #friends #pranksterslife #peaceofmind #psychedelic #psychedelicmovement #aura #happy #cannabis #rainbows #rainbowdash #rose #valentines #aura #5d #oregon #trees #marijuana #oil #710 #wax #ommp #cannafamily #cannabiscommunity by tiedyedoilslick
Oi, prazer, meu nome é Charmoso. Nem preciso explicar o porquê, né?!!!♥♥
PK104 Cats - Packs of 5 - Rachel Ellen Designs – Card and Stationery Designers and Publishers
猫の消しゴムはんこ。良いことがあるでしょう・お気に入りのおもちゃ - 消しゴムはんこソラスタンプ
f: id: sorastamp: 20150916231751j: image