
45 Pins
This adorable bundle of squid is the Piglet Squid. It's rarely photographed (and seen) since it dwells 320 feet below the surface of the ocean.
Little Girl Stumbles Upon Rarely Seen Sea Creature
Argonaut Octopus, a.k.a. Paper Nautilus
In Demand
Sun fish are the largest bony fish in existence, measuring up to 10' across and weighing 5,000 lbs. Their favorite food is jellyfish. They have no tail. At night they often come to the ocean's surface for hours at a time, barely moving. Also called Mola Mola, as well as, Opa. McC
Lancetfish (Alepisaurus) Lancetfishes are large oceanic predatory fishes in the genus Alepisaurus (“scaleless lizard”). Lancetfishes grow up to 2 m (6.6 ft) in length. Very little is known about their biology, though they are widely distributed in all oceans, except the polar seas.
Fish With Whips Photo & Story Package
Thresher Shark - One of my favorite creatures in the whole world.
Comfort Spring Station
Stingray City, Cayman Islands
Easy Branches Networks real-time page visitors
Trumpet fish, red sea
Tiny Baby Octopus
I will call him squishy and he will be my squishy. Thanks Julia its adorable!! ---Tiny Baby Octopus
21 Animals That Will Make You Say WTF
Lamprey...wherever these things are, I will never ever go...EVER! I know God has a plan...but sometimes I really don't get why He created some of the things He did??