Nambu Cast Iron(Tekki) Accessories

Nambu Ironware, Iron Kettle, HARINEZUMI (Hedgehog) 0.7L/1.6L, Murasaki by Craftman Ryo Murakami
We are pleased to introduce this iron kettle produced by Ryo Murakami of Murasaki Nambu Ironware Studio, located in Oshu, Iwate. This iron kettle is crafted using the casting technique. This piece incorporates a unique and innovative approach (a hedgehodg motif on lid handle!) while maintaining the classic and iconic Arare pattern, which is one of the most distinctive features of Nambu ironware. Ryo Murakami is a young artisan and is influenced by Japanese Kawaii culture and pop culture.
Nambu Ironware, Iron Kettle, HARINEZUMI (Hedgehog) 0.7L/1.6L, Murasaki by Craftman Ryo Murakami
This piece incorporates a unique and innovative approach (a hedgehodg motif on lid handle!) while maintaining the classic and iconic Arare pattern, which is one of the most distinctive features of Nambu ironware. Ryo Murakami is a young artisan and is influenced by Japanese Kawaii culture and pop culture. The innovative idea of combining a hail pattern and hedgehogs is highly appreciated.
Nambu Ironware, 2-in-1 Iron kettle and teapot type, DRAGONFLY, azure, 0.5L
#tea #tetsubin #teakettle #kettle #ironkettle #castironkettle #japanesecastironkettle #teatime #tealover #tearoom #teaceremony #teaset #teaware
This is a paperweight inspired by Japanese novelist/poet Kenji Miyazawa.
We are shipping this to the state of Maine in the U.S. #paperweight #castiron
Japanese Trivet mats
We shipped them to California, US. Trivet mats (Flower of Life, HANAMARU). #Trivetmats #ironware #Trivetmat #potmat #hotpad #potstand #japanesecookware
Nambu Ironware Cast Iron Frying Pan / Skillet, ASANO - Traditional Japanese Hemp leaf Pattern
The ideal size for your dining table! Your dishes will stay warm and delicious for longer, even after some time has passed. #fryiingpan #frypan #skillet #japanesecookware #pancake
Pancakes - Nambu Ironware Cast Iron Frying Pan / Skillet, Traditional Japanese Hemp leaf Pattern
The ideal size for your dining table! Your dishes will stay warm and delicious for longer, even after some time has passed. #fryiingpan #frypan #skillet #japanesecookware #pancake
The handle of the Tetsubin
The handle of a Tetsubin is not made of casting, but it is crafted through forging. Although they may appear similar, each one is handmade, giving them unique characteristics. #teakettle #kettle #teapot #teapots #teakettles #kettles #tetsubin #teaware #teaset #tea #teaequipment #craftsman #craftsmanship #craftsmen #casting #cast #forging #forged #ironkettle #ironkettles #castironkettle #castironkettles #ironteapots
The representative traditional design
The representative traditional design of Nambu(Iwate prefecture) style Tetsubin often features a convexo-convex surface called "Arare." And the lid is also made of cast iron. #tekki #nambuironware #ironware #namubtekki #kettle #teakettle #tea #teapot #teaset #teapotlover #teakettlelover #japanesecastironkettle #japanesecastironteapot #teaware #teatime #tealover #tealife #ironkettle #castiron
Nambu Ironware, Paperweight Fukurou (The owl)
In Japanese, the owl is called Fukurou. An owl has long been popular as a good luck charm because its pronunciation is the same as No hardship. "不(fu)" means negation, and "苦労(Kurou)" means hardship. #Paperweight #owl #onament #castiron
The lotus leaf incense stand
This is a lotus leaf incense stand. The leaves are slightly bent and not fully open. The asymmetrical design gives a sense that the designer intended to convey a story. #lotus #lotusleaf #incense #incensestand #incenseholder #castiron #japanesecrafts
Japanese cast iron pot "Hagama"
We thought wooden lids would be fresh for people overseas, so we produced this for the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Today, we ship to the USA, Australia, UK, Finland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy and France! The item we normally sell is only available with an iron lid, but we plan to add a wooden lid version around this summer. #kickstarter #crowdfunding #japanesecookware #cookware #pot #castironpot #ironpot #castironware
The enormous Nambu Tetsubin
The enormous Tetsubin is 4.65 meters tall, weighs 1.8 tons, and can hold up to 6,500 liters (equivalent to 75,000 cups). #kettle #壺 #केतली #tetera #bouilloire #غلاية #কেতলি #чайник #chaleira #ketel #کیتلی #Wasserkocher #birika #केटल #కెటిల్ #çaydanlık #கெடில் #주전자 #bollitore #กาน้ำ #чайник #કેટલી #قوری #ಕೆಟಲ್ #waterkoker #czajnik #βραστήρας #ਕੇਟਲੀ #ceainic
CastleInTheSky(Laputa) GodWarrior iron ingot
This is no longer for sale, but we were honored to make official Studio Ghibli anime merchandise. #GodWarrior #ironingot #CastleInTheSky #Laputa #StudioGhibli #GhibliMovies #HayaoMiyazaki #Miyazaki #Pazu #Sheeta #SkyCastle #Anime #GhibliLover #GhibliFan #JapaneseAnimation
Cast Iron Skillet with Japanese traditional geometric pattern
This is a new frying pan that will be available soon. It has a traditional Japanese ”Asanohamonyo" (Hemp leaf pattern) on the surface. Asanohamonyo is a #geometric #pattern that has existed for 1,000 years and has been used in various scenes such as kimonos and family crests. Recently, It has been used on the pink kimono worn by #Nezuko in the #anime Demon Slayer. #castironpan #ironpan #castironskillet #castironcooking #ironflypan #castironflypan #ironware #castironware #cooking #cookingware