Leadership / Women's Ministry

Articles and resources for leadership - both church leadership and women's ministry (this is known as PWOC in the military).
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Conflict Resolution Tips 1. Step back & slow down 2. Be clear about your intentions & goals 3. Listen first to understand 4. Express strong feelings without blame 5. Be aware of how your own self image might make you more defensive 6. Take responsibility for your assumptions 7. Find common ground 8. Explore what is most important the other person 9. Let go of the myths about conflict 10. Acknowledge & Be willing to change 11. Initiate a conversation 12. Be open to learning new info
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Conflict and disagreements are inevitable. This infographic serves as a tool for identifying your conflict management style, the pitfalls, and when it would be appropriate to use. It can be useful in resolving conflict and reaching desired results.The major categories are avoidance, collaboration, competitive, accomodating, and compromising. #500_07 #ILconflictreso #tammytranusc
The Coaching Spirit: 8 Principles for Coaching Success - America's Leading Authority On Creating Success And Personal Fulfillment - Jack Canfield
The Coaching Spirit: 8 Principles for Coaching Success - America's Leading Authority On Creating Success And Personal Fulfillment - Jack Can...
Tool To Evaluate Coaching Conversations (Opinion)
Tool To Evaluate Coaching Conversations
The First Thing You Must Do in Your Women's Ministry This Year - Women's Ministry Toolbox
The First Thing You Must Do in Women's Ministry This Year
How to Share the Best Devotional Ever - Women's Ministry Toolbox
HOW do you share a good devo? Keep it current, concise and Christ-centered......
The Best Devotional You Can Share - Women's Ministry Toolbox
The very best devotional you can share comes from your life and from your heart
7 Leadership Books Every Leader Should Read
An organization cannot grow past it's leaders' growth. Leaders must be growing, if they want the organization to go further than it already is. Leadership is no joke. It's more like a battle. It takes guts, grit, courage, strength, confidence and wisdom to impact others and move beyond status quo. Everyone benefits when a leader gets better. The best leaders are always seeking to grow themselves, so the organization can go further. Here are 7 leadership books (and a bonus 3 blogs)...
10 Ways We Unknowingly Hurt Women in Our Church - Women's Ministry Toolbox
10 Ways We Unknowingly Hurt Women in Our Church