
26 Pins
【手作りもアリ】おしゃれなバースデーカード9選 大人向けの誕生日カードも | イエコレクション iecolle | インテリア、雑貨情報が満載のWEBメディア
バースデーカードおすすめ9選 手作りのおしゃれなイラストやデザインも紹介
Holiday Cards | Cutting Room Card Co. - Embroidered Vintage Ornament - Burst
Handcrafted cards, designed by Chelsea at the Cutting Room Card Co. Approx. 4.25" x 5.5" envelope included Due to the upcycled nature of these cards, the item you receivemay differ in colour and/or materials. Please indicate colour preferences when ordering, or contact {pocket}CHANGE with your specific requirements. Thank you!
DIY Paper Embroidery Birthday Cards Flowers and Leaves - Etsy
DIY Paper Embroidery Birthday Cards Flowers and Leaves | Etsy
Design*Sponge Best of DIY: Notecards and Stationery
Design*Sponge Best of DIY: Notecards and Stationery - Flax & Twine
大切な人に想いを込めて。紙刺繍で刺繍カードを作りましょ♪ | キナリノ