
78 Pins
Actresses, Beauty, Japanese Women, Top Model, Beauty Women, Photography Inspiration, Flapper Dress, Mini Dress
沢尻エリカのプロフィール・画像・写真 | WEBザテレビジョン
a woman wearing a white and gold costume with flowers on her head, standing in front of a doorway
***和装の花嫁***   鎌倉鶴岡八幡宮で挙式
a woman with long hair wearing a white dress and flower in her hair, standing next to a wooden fence
画像・写真 | 沢尻エリカ特集 66枚目
Actors & Actresses, I Love Your Eyes, Erika Sawajiri, Jessica Ricks, I Love Your, Love Your, Your Eyes, Women's Blazer, I Love
Strapless Top, Actors, Women's Top
FRaU | 講談社
a woman in a white dress standing by a window with her hand up to the side
画像・写真 沢尻エリカ、久々の蜷川実花監督作品で「重い役がくるのかなと」<Interview>(10/18) | WEBザテレビジョン
Black, Something Special, Little Black Dress, Black Dress
【画像・写真】沢尻エリカ、クラブで“ガン吸い”動画がネットで拡散! とばっちりを受けた「親友女優」 | 週刊女性PRIME
Cool Style, Make Up, Crazy Horse, Hair Straightener, Makeup
a woman with long hair wearing a black dress and red flower in her hair is looking at the camera
沢尻エリカの特徴的な眉毛のメイク方法は?アイラインやチークも! | 大人女子のライフマガジンPinky[ピンキー]
a woman with red feathers on her head
Picture of Erika Sawajiri
a woman with flowers in her hair is posing for a magazine cover shot, wearing a green halter top
最新号のカバーは沢尻エリカさん! 青みピンクの唇が咲き誇る大人の華やかメイク | マキアオンライン(MAQUIA ONLINE)
Traditional Asian Dress, China Dress, Traditional Fashion, Cheongsam, Chinese Style, Bodycon Dress
レトロから今風アレンジまで、チャイナドレスに合う髪型って?|MARBLE [マーブル]
Romantic Drama, Drama Movies, Celebrity Photos, Her Hair, Photo Book, Face Makeup
沢尻エリカの画像いっぱい その2 : あごひげ海賊団
a girl with long hair wearing a sailor's outfit and standing in front of stairs