
104 Pins
Matrimonio nell'Antica Roma: le parole della sposa
Matrimonio nell'Antica Roma: le parole della sposa
Votive relief dedicated to Demeter and Kore by a Hietrophant - from ancient Athens, circa 5th c BC - At the Agore Museum, Athens #hellas
Funerary Relief of Sosias & Kephisodoros from the final phase of the Peloponnesian War, ca 410 BCE.AltesMuseum Berlin
Grave Naiskos of Demainete with an Attendant Holding a Partridge (The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection)
Classical Period - National Archaeological Museum
Classical Period - National Archaeological Museum
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Fragment from the front of a sarcophagus showing a Roman marriage ceremony. ( CC BY SA 4.0 ) Notable marriages were mentioned in the Acta Diurna too.
The Grave relief of Sosias and Kephisodoros, two hoplites that bid farewell to each other. 410-400BCE, Berlin, Antikenmuseen
Grave Stele of Thrasynos (The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection)
Marble Gravestone of Thrasynos; Greek, Athens, c. 375 B.C.