
29 Pins
Ampliación y mejora de la E.D.A.R de Villaperez por Padilla-Nicás Arquitectos
Planta de depuración de aguas en Villapérez por Padilla-Nicás. Imagen © Mariela Apollonio
Royal Tichelaar Makkum -est. 1572!- needed a new factory and laboratory
2 Mio ex. / 25.000 m3 / Link to Nicolaus Pevsner: / beeld: Diewertje Komen.
Betriebshalle für einen Dachdeckerbetrieb | KÖLLING ARCHITEKTEN BDA, Bad Vilbel | Frankfurt
Betriebshalle für einen Dachdeckerbetrieb | KÖLLING ARCHITEKTEN , Bad Vilbel / Architekten - BauNetz Architekten Profil | BauNetz-Architekten.de
Gallery of Food Villa Market / I Like Design Studio - 14
Food Villa Market,© Suppakorn Srisakul
R ART of Coffee by iks design, Nagakute – Japan
R ART of Coffee by iks design, Nagakute – Japan » Retail Design Blog
Betriebshalle für einen Dachdeckerbetrieb | KÖLLING ARCHITEKTEN BDA, Bad Vilbel | Frankfurt
オフィス+工場 [能作 新社屋・新工場] | 受賞対象一覧 | Good Design Award
Mark van der Gronden's Storage Furniture from Repurposed Industrial Crates - Core77
Garde-meubles de Mark van der Gronden de Repurposed caisses industriels - Core77
収穫コンテナを使って、簡単にオシャレ陳列できる! | AGRI JOURNAL
Architectural drawings for a custom home
The floor plan organizes much of the visual information in the set, indexing and referring to other documents: elevations, sections, details, schedules and specifications. It's drawn at 1/4"=1'-0" and dimensioned to show the general layout of walls, doors, windows and floor planes, but not detailed enough to show everything. I use AutoCadLT to draw these plans.