狼男色々。WOLF MAN、、、various

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THE WOLF MAN (1941) Lon Chaney Jr. may have had some limitations as an actor, but he's great at what he does in this film.
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"His hair was perfect . . ." (Okay, I know the reference is to another werewolf, but what the heck, I've actually eaten in Lee Ho Fook's in London.) THE WOLF MAN (1941)
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Pity the poor grave-digger who just happened to be at the wrong place in the wrong time. THE WOLF MAN (1941)
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Lon Chaney Jr - 'The Wolfman', 1941. ☚
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Great studio still of Lon Chaney being made up by Jack P. Pierce for THE WOLF MAN (1941)
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Hmmm . . . not sure I buy that 'his heart turns to ice." Poster for THE WOLF MAN (1941)
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Are they dancing or fighting. DeviantArt poster for THE WOLF MAN (1941)
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THE WOLF MAN (1941) seems to be carefully avoiding looking down at Evelyn Ankers' decollage.
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Lon Chaney as the Wolf Man