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Sanjay Vijayaverl on Instagram: "Disney’s Wish - 1st Anniversary Illustrated Poster One of the aspects I love most about this film has to be the visuals, especially with how richly the colors appear in this unique art style. Unlike some of the other pieces I’ve done for this film, there isn’t too much storytelling going on in this design, and I didn’t feature too many characters or references to past Disney films. Instead I really wanted to celebrate the brilliant production design of the film! Congratulations to @fawnv @tropicaljuan @peterdelvecho @alittlejelee, and everyone else behind this gorgeous film! A year later, it’s still such a beautiful tribute to the studio’s first 100 years and very enjoyable story of its own! #disneywish #wishmovie #disney100"
よこ (@00D_45) on X
よこ (@00D_45) on X