Anatomy Tips

219 Pins
This may contain: an image of the muscles and their functions in a man's head, neck, and chest
Full Human Upper Body Anatomy - Complete Overview
Full Human Upper Body Anatomy - Complete Overview Description: Dive into the complete anatomy of the human upper body! This guide covers everything from the shoulders to the hands, including muscles, bones, joints, and nerves. Learn about the key structures like the clavicle, scapula, pectorals, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and more. Understanding the upper body's intricate anatomy is crucial for strengthening, flexibility, and injury prevention. Hashtags: #UpperBodyAnatomy #HumanAnatomy #ShoulderAnatomy #ChestMuscles #ArmMuscles #UpperBodyStrength #AnatomyStudy #MuscleAnatomy #Clavicle #Scapula #Biceps #Triceps #Pectorals #Deltoids #UpperBodyWorkouts #FitnessAnatomy #AnatomyOverview #MuscleFunction #BodyMechanics #HumanBody
Anatomy Studies - Part 01, Glauco Longhi
ArtStation - Anatomy Studies - Part 01, Glauco Longhi
This may contain: an image of a human body with muscles highlighted in the chest and upper half of it
Bíceps braquial
💪 Bíceps Braquial: Músculo essencial para a flexão do cotovelo e supinação do antebraço. Origina-se no processo coracoide (cabeça curta) e no tubérculo supraglenoidal (cabeça longa), inserindo-se na tuberosidade do rádio. Crucial na biomecânica dos braços! ⚙️#BícepsBraquial #Anatomia #Biomecânica