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東京カメラ部 Editor's Choice
Japanese Happi coat - Happi is a traditional Japanese straight-sleeved coat usually made of indigo or brown cotton and imprinted with a distinctive mon (crest). They are usually worn only to festivals.
先日の流鏑馬 | ツイナビ
先日の流鏑馬 - ツイナビ | ツイッター(Twitter)ガイド
Welcome TrekEarth users! - FlyerTalk Forums
Sanja festival - Asakusa, Tokyo
Gion Festival in Kyoto, Japan 鶏鉾の後ろ姿 Niwatori_hoko"-".
Ishinomaki matsuri | Ishinomaki matsuri | Recycled from the disaster
和の色香 おわら風の盆 by 雅ちゃん (ID:4806764)- 写真共有サイト:PHOTOHITO
おわら風の盆- Kaze no Bon - Toyama, Japan
Daruma burning at Dotonsai, Kobimine Shrine, Shinchi-machi, Fukushima
Towadako Kunizakai Matsuri(十和田湖国堺祭り). Lake Towada in Aomori,Japan.