
14 Pins
an anime character with long hair and black eyes
友人が「カイロが全然あったまらない」と言って麦茶のパックを延々揉んでいた。 - Death noteへのボケ[9315205] - ボケて(bokete)
an anime character with short hair and glasses in front of a black and white background
駄目だこいつ はやくなんとかしないと デスノート
an anime character holding a piece of paper
an old black and white drawing of two men standing in front of a sign with japanese characters
「なんの成果も得られませんでした」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索(画像)
休み明けに際してのご挨拶2 Chiba, Instagram, Humour, Kenshin Anime, Rurouni Kenshin, On Instagram
an anime character with her mouth open and eyes wide open, in black and white
Manga Illustrations, Manga Illustration
an anime character is sitting on the floor and holding a fan in one hand, while another
an image of a man in black and white with anime characters behind him on the screen
an anime poster with the character in black and white, holding his hands up to his head
《本記事のターゲット》 1.呪術廻戦に興味がある 2.呪術廻戦の脹相の名言を知りたい 今回は、呪術廻戦のお兄ちゃん「脹相」の名言をご紹介します。 呪霊と人間のハーフという呪術廻戦の中では異例の存在である脹相。特級呪物の「...
an anime character is looking at something in the air with his eyes closed and one hand on
「おまえは今まで食ったパンの枚数をおぼえているのか?」独特な感性の #荒木飛呂彦の比喩表現