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ホリエモンも絶賛! 新たな空間体験を演出する函館蔦屋書店が話題|ガジェット通信 GetNews
Hakodate Tsutaya Books, Hokkaido, Japan 実際に来てみると分かると思うが、ここの蔦屋書店は素晴らしい。
This Library is an Honest-to-God Reading Rainbow
This Library is an Honest-to-God Reading Rainbow
Gallery of Explore These Architecturally Innovative Bookcases - 5
Gallery of Explore These Architecturally Innovative Bookcases - 5
Illuminated Public Benches
Illuminated Public Benches - A New Bench to Inspire Community Has Been Designed for Piazza Mazzini (GALLERY)
Galeria de Fotografia e Arquitetura: Pedro Kok - 16
Harpa Concert Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland - Olafur Eliasson & Henning Larsen Architects
Musashino Art University Museum & Library / Sou Fujimoto Architects
Musashino Art University Museum & Library / Sou Fujimoto
Dalarna Media Library / ADEPT
Built by ADEPT in Falun, Sweden with date 2014. Images by Kaare Viemose. Dalarna Media Library is organized as a ’spiral of knowledge’ identifying a new library culture that stages a wide ra...
Gallery of Morro do Querosene House / gruposp - 7
House In Sao Paulo / GrupoSP | Wood Bookshelves | Metal Structure | Urban House | Between Buildings | Double Height |
安藤 忠雄 いわき幼稚園付属絵本美術館「まどのそとのそのまたむこう」
Read up on it: Best of Libraries — KNSTRCT
Musashino Art Library. See all the empty boxes way up high? They're decorative...for now. Never underestimate how many books you might own in your lifetime.
Hyundai Card Travel Library / Wonderwall
Hyundai Card Travel Library, Seoul, South Korea. It is a “travel library” and café that have been designed with a theme of travel. The concept of the design is a “stock of curiosity.” The act of visiting this place is interpreted as a form of travel, and the space exhibits a thick accumulation of information, experience, and objects, including a bookcase that covers the entire wall from floor to ceiling.