9 Tips to Declutter Your Sentimental Items
Downsizing is a difficult project. Our emotional attachment to our stuff makes decluttering sentimental items the hardest part of the downsizing journey. Here are 9 tips to help you downsize and get rid of your sentimental items. #decluttering #downsizing #getridofstuff
Summary of 2020 and my goals for 2021 including 'Spend Nothing' 'Buy Nothing' year and carrying on with bullet journaling for productivity. #ecominimalism #eco #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #sustainableblogger #ecoblogger #sustainability #goals #productivity #journal #journaling
17 Benefits of Owning Less That You Need To Know - Wait Dont Waste
You've heard this before but it's true when they said that less is more. Find out the benefits of minimalism and why you should consider simple living today. #waitdontwaste #minimalist #minimalism #simpleliving | minimalist lifestyle tips | minimalism for beginners
A Complete Guide to Creating a Minimalist Apartment
Ready to start decluttering and making space in your minimalist apartment? Check out this guide for tips that shows you how to create a minimalist apartment
Sunshine Guerrilla: The Five Best Etsy Stores for Minimalist Fall Decorations
The Five Best Etsy Stores for Minimalist Fall Decorations - Sunshine Guerrilla
Minimalism changed my life - 9 ways how minimalism improved my life
9 areas of my life I applied minimalism to // In this post, I share with you 9 ways how minimalism changed my life. If you have considered starting your minimalist journey, here are 9 reasons to do so. I explain the ways in which minimalist lifestyle improved my life, my perspective on minimalism, and how minimalism shifted my mindset to focus on the things that bring value into my life. Click to read more on #minimalism #tips #minimalistlifestyle #selfdevelopment #motivation #decluttering
10 Lessons I Learned After a Year of Decluttering
10 lessons I learned after a year of decluttering - Yes It took us over a year to declutter our home.I had never heard of the word “declutter”, until a few years ago. I must have been living under a rock! Today I am sharing 10 lessons I learned after a year of decluttering. #decluttering #declutter #minimalist #minimalism #simpleliving
Minimalist Lifestyle Guide: Tips + Inspiration for the Beginner Minimalist
The ultimate minimalist lifestyle guide — learn how to use minimalism to have more of what matters and less of everything else. #minimalism
How We Got Started With Living Sustainably
How we got started with living sustainably, our zero waste and minimalism journey
Minimalism: 29 things I stopped buying - A little Rose Dust
In attempt to live a more minimal lifestyle I took a long hard look at the things I’d been purchasing and repurchasing over the years. I decided to only purchase things that were necessary in order to reduce waste, clutter and to save money. So here are 29 things I stopped buying! #minimalism #minimalist
How To Be A Minimalst: 8 Tips To Start
30+ tips to help you be a minimalist in 2019. Learn how to create a habit of minimalism, happily living with less by decluttering your home and establishing a minimalist lifestyle in your day to day routine. #minimalism
I Wore the Same Shirt for a Week — And Here's What Happened - Going Zero Waste
I wore the same shirt for seven days and here's what happened from www.goingzerowaste.com #minimalcloset #ethicalfashion #sustainable #fashion #tshirt
Live With Less: 13 Ways To Simplify Your Life
Every single day, simplify your life by removing something that does not serve you. It could be a piece of clothing, an unread book, or negative thoughts. Remove the excess. Simplify.
5 Tips for Living a Minimalist Lifestyle in Edinburgh -
Edinburgh has so many zero-waste shops, that plastic-free living is really becoming simple. But the minimalist lifestyle goes beyond that - and Edinburgh makes that easy too. By living a minimalist lifestyle you’ll feel better and less stressed, and you’ll also help the planet by generating less waste. As a historic city, Edinburgh deserves our care to preserve it - look after yourself, and our city. But these simple tips for living a minimalist lifestyle will work wherever you are!