
1,372 Pins
Winnetka, IL, 1968 by Vivian Maier
Vivian Maier, Winnetka, IL, 1968 on ArtStack #vivian-maier #art
"Carol" (dir. Todd Haynes, 2015) #Carolmovie details - martini, perfectly manicured nails, red lips, diamond ring, gold cigarette case and lighter - the instruments of #seduction
Beatpie's Miscellany
"God Knows that I've been Naive, but I think that makes Him proud of me"- Sleeping at Last, Naive
povl ahm house in hertfordshire uk designed by jorn utzon
#povlahmhouse #jornutzon #architecture #moderndesign #diningroom #hall #hallway #interiordesign #homedecor #floorlevel #scandinaviandesign #lighting #furniture #ceiling #建築 #インテリア #ダイニングルーム #ホール #廊下 #北欧デザイン #家具 #収納 #造作収納 #天井 #照明
North Carolina Modernist Houses - Documenting, Preserving, Promoting Residential Modern Architecture
Marcel Breuer - 1926 - The Hildegard and Erwin Piscator Apartment, Berlin, Germany. Breuer also designed the furniture. Bottom photo includes Hildegard Piscator.
個性的でエキゾチック♡エスニックを上手に取り込んだインテリア集☆ - Yahoo! BEAUTY
Gong Li photographed by Wong Kar-Wai for Vogue Paris, 2001.