Oct 幾何学

São Paulo studio Quadradão - '24º Prêmio Design Mcb' (2010 Museu da Casa Brasileira poster competition entry - shortlisted)
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Need to have!! Prism Pack Set of Three 5x7's by Panimalia on Etsy, $25.00
Arise - Maria Grønlund
I love geometrics & would like something akin to this, I like the contrast of the bright colour against the grey/purple tones.
Costin M. | Inspired
I'm not entirely sure what this design is for, but I think it's really interesting and attention capturing. The colors all go together really well and it blends geometric shapes with photography. I think it looks really cool in general and could be an effective advertisement.
Ice-cream by Hugo Diaz Stretched canvass print / $85. This would make a great quilt design.
Imperfect Balance
Imperfect Balance by Ursuleanu Daniel, via Behance (http://www.behance.net/gallery/Imperfect-Balance/7072635)
2013.02 おもむろにまとめだしたら結構あったロゴまとめ - Heavenly King 481 創作絵置き場です 幾何学が好きです 宇宙が好きです 作品の無断転載・使用・改変などはお止めください。 Please do not use any images ( artworks and photos on my site) on your site without permission. 左上のクリップっぽいマークをクリックすると詳細が見れます。 (C)49HEAVEN all rights reserved.
ロゴ | ロゴマーク | 会社ロゴ|CI | ブランディング | 筆文字 | 大阪のデザイン事務所 |cosydesign.com
Amami Home | Grand Deluxe/愛媛 松山/デザイン事務所/ロゴデザイン/パッケージデザイン/ブランディングデザイン
Amami Home by Grand Deluxe, Japan
works|asatte 明後日デザイン制作所
『第196回企画展 GRAPHIC WEST 6 大阪新美術館建設準備室デザインコレクション 熱情と冷静のアヴァンギャルド』"Avant-Garde"|asatte design office 明後日デザイン制作所