
125 Pins
Andreas Petropoulos Has Designed A Small Takeaway Coffee Bar In Greece
Andreas Petropoulos has recently completed the design of Daily Dose, a small takeaway coffee bar in the city of Kalamata, Greece, that features a white, black and wood interior.
Old Faithful Farmers Market
rustic trading urban Farmers market retail idea Wood nature food fruits and vegetables
This is the most remarkably modern McDonald’s we’ve ever seen | CONTEMPORIST. Mc Donald's Next Hongo Kong... - a grouped images picture
This is the most remarkably modern McDonald’s we’ve ever seen | CONTEMPORIST. Mc Donald's Next Hongo Kong - created via
ハウスデザイン 詳細|神奈川(横浜・川崎・湘南地区)の注文住宅・建築設計事務所|【NATURE DECOR】ネイチャーデコール
11 Of The Most Uniquely Designed Starbucks Coffee Shops From Around The World
11 Of The Most Uniquely Designed Starbucks Coffee Shops From Around The World | This Starbucks location in Downtown Disney in Orlando, Florida, has lemongrass growing on the sloped roof, while large windows allow people walking past to see into the interior that has wooden tables and chairs and comfy leather couches.
Segev Kitchen Garden, restaurante-invernadero de Yaron Tal
Segev Kitchen Garden, Studio Yaron Tal, 2015. © Yoav Gurin