89 Pins
ちなみに、2015年は7月2日と31日がブルームーンの日。 近年は、ブルームーンを見ると、幸せになれると言われているそうです。
There is something about the moon that I just...
There is something about the moon that I just connect with.. can't explain; it's just there... #serene #peaceful #quiet
Summer Nights
【地球上の絶景】 別の惑星にいる気分にさせてくれるスORiGiNaL (\/)j1s oN IIC'N;'}^/* weView.._`-;"weView \x/'\x/\x/'\x/.._`;" CeNtRaL Pasadena NiA 4 CaLi oNfiCiALLyIidAy'\x/'\x/ーパームーン
Big Tree. Big Moon.
A full moon rises behind the silhouette of a lone tree in this composite photo.
Beautiful Mother Nature: Photo
We all feel that connection with the moon any time we look up at night, but we have been taught not to acknowledge it, that it is un-natural - this is a travesty. The Mother in her full moon guise and the Maiden/Crone in their crescent guises, call to our natural instincts, instilled in us during creation, we must listen. She (not the moon itself - but the Creative Source) is our Mother Creator & Father Creator, they exist - have always existed, will always exist.
To each his own magic : Photo
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