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an image with the quote what happens if the united nations themselves are sundered by an awful
What happens if the United Nations themselves are sundered by an awful schism, a clash of ideologies and passions? What is to happen if the United Nations give place, as they may do, to a vast confrontation of two parts of the world and two irreconcilably opposed conceptions of human society? ---Winston Churchill---
a sunset with the quote, victim rather than stoicism or heroism has become something
Victimhood rather than stoicism or heroism has become something eagerly publicized, even sought after, in our culture. ---Douglas Murray---
a quote from roger scruton about the condition of society
The condition of society is essentially one of domination, in which people are bound to each other by their attachments, and distinguished by rivalries and competition. There is no society that transcends those human realities, nor should we wish for one. ---Roger Scruton---
a quote from roger scruton that reads, all serious cultures are found on the disinctions between right and wrong true and false
All serious cultures are founded on the distinctions between right and wrong, true and false, good and bad taste, knowledge and ignorance. ---Roger Scruton---
For victorious nations to unilaterally judge defeated countries is unacceptable. It is an act of revenge for the victors to judge the defeated and to execute officers and their men as war criminals. ---Henry Scott-Stokes--- Revenge, Victorious, Acting
For victorious nations to unilaterally judge defeated countries is unacceptable. It is an act of revenge for the victors to judge the defeated and to execute officers and their men as war criminals. ---Henry Scott-Stokes---
an image with the quote what a monstrous's ability and perversion of the truth is to represent the communistic theory
What a monstrous absurdity and perversion of the truth it is to represent the communistic theory as a form of progress, when, at every step and at every stage, it is simply marching back into the dark ages. ---Winston Churchill--- (1920 speech)
a poem written in white on a black background with the words life is essentially a great and its conditions are those of defat
a quote from william j bennett on the subject of human nature, not as something to be important to the most important thing to be
a quote from douglas murpy about the effects of being in an individual's life
a quote from douglas murry about perhaps it is not surprising that this level of scouring of the past should
an image with the quote from roger sustenn about racism and other things to read
a quote from roger scruton on the topic of language and its meaning in english
a pink flower with the words william f buckley jr on it's side
a quote from william f buckley about public significance in these matters