
Japanese monsters
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Demon with a Buddhist prayer (Oni no nenbutsu), 1864 by Kawanabe Kyōsai
Oni (Japanese :鬼) are creatures from Japanese folklore, means demon or evil spirit, or Gul. Many of the works are found in art, theater, literature and the Japanese for this legendary character.
Inugami | Tattoo Ideas & Inspiration - Japanese Art | Sawaki Suushi - "Hyakkai-Zukan", 1737 | In Japanese mythology, the Inugami ("dog god") is a dog-spirit created, worshipped, and employed by a family via sorcery. Inugami are known to carry out acts of revenge on behalf of their owners, including possessing humans. They are driven by an unstoppable rage, and can quickly escape their masters' control and turn on them | #Japanese #Art #Mythology #Monster #Demon
‘Bakemono Zukushi’ monster scroll
Daichiuchi (大地打) is a mallet-wielding monster with a bird-like face.
‘Bakemono Zukushi’ monster scroll
Dōmo-kōmo (どうもこうも) is a two-headed creature with gray skin.
キモ可愛い!奇奇怪怪な妖怪を描いた江戸時代の絵巻「百怪図巻」の恐ろしさったらない : Japaaan
キモ可愛い!奇奇怪怪な妖怪を描いた江戸時代の絵巻「百怪図巻」の恐ろしさったらない : Japaaan
Nuribotoke / 塗仏 (an animated corpse with blackened flesh and dangling eyeballs) from the Hyakkai-Zukan, ca. 1737 by Sawaki Suushi. They are portrayed as similar in appearance to the Buddha but with largely bloated stomachs and occasionally having a catfish's tail.
しょうけら - Wikipedia
佐脇嵩之『百怪図巻』より「しやうけら 」(しょうけら)1737年頃
‘Bakemono Zukushi’ monster scroll
ひょうすべ - 妖怪うぃき的妖怪図鑑
妖のイメージ 〜日本人の想像力|怪異・妖怪画像データベース|国際日本文化研究センター
‘Bakemono Zukushi’ monster scroll
Oyajirome (親白眼)19