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富士山上空ひときわ明るく 国際宇宙ステーションの光跡(朝日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース
富士山上空ひときわ明るく 国際宇宙ステーションの光跡
The cosmic ice sculptures of the Carina Nebula
The cosmic ice sculptures of the Carina Nebula
NGC 2244: The Rosette Nebula's center measures about 50 ly across, lies about 4500 ly away, and is visible w/binoculars towards the constellation of the Unicorn
MESSENGER False Color Mercury Globe Spin
All of Mercury Image Credit: NASA/JHU Applied Physics Lab/Carnegie Inst. Washington For the first time, the entire surface of planet Mercury has been mapped. Detailed observations of the innermost planet's surprising crust have been ongoing since the robotic MESSENGER spacecraft first passed Mercury in 2008 and began orbiting in 2011. Previously, much of the Mercury's surface was unknown as it is too far for Earth-bound telescopes to see clearly,...
Eight new planets might be capable of hosting life | CNN
Nebula Constellation M27 Dumbbell Chanterelle
Snowy Orion
This feels like the setting from my favorite book FROZEN FIRE by. Tim Bowler ! MUST READ.