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"snowscape" 大人の刺繍ブローチ
"snowscape" 大人の刺繍ブローチ | ハンドメイドマーケット minne
森の中で見つけた色のファンタジー ぬり絵みたいなざくざく刺しゅうブローチ|Couturier[クチュリエ]|フェリシモ【公式通販】
The color of fantasy painted picture like a crunch embroidery brooch of the meeting, which was found in the woods | Felissimo
work | 神尾茉利 KAMIO Mari | ページ 9
~ Kamio Mari -
The rugs are more primary. These colors are more pastel, so the balance of the colors in this pic would have to be right so that the pastel and primary don't clash. The wall should echo the tribal rugs but they don't necessarily need to be as geometric, maybe a softer more organic shape and not so linear.